What is the Shamir eCard

The Shamir eCard is a double certificate for Shamir ophthalmic lenses, which guarantees, together with the laser marks on your lenses, that they have been developed and produced by the Shamir laboratory and also certifies by the associated link that your lenses, being a medical device, are duly registered with Infarmed.

Detailed information on your lenses

Know in detail what you have in front of your eyes!

Your degree
always at hand

Can you imagine having your degree at the distance of a click, whenever you need to consult it?

Shamir Insurance Offer

In partnership with the Fidelidade Insurance Company, we are offering an innovative benefit to Shamir lens wearers - Shamir Insurance.
Available on Shamir Autograph® Intelligence™, Autograph® IIID™, Autograph® Intouch UX®, Autograph® Urban™, Shamir Optimee™ and Shamir Driver Intelligence™ lenses.